Ah, the holidays are upon us. For many families, there is more than just joyful family reunions and a plentiful pie selection to look forward to. Holidays can also mean long car rides, tired kiddos, loss of routine, and so many kid’s tables.
Making food together is an amazing way to bond with your kids and family members. There’s something special about working together to create something that’s then shared by everyone involved. And food made around the holidays has even more special, memory-making potential. This fall, spend time with your young ones by making any of these 10 edible Thanksgiving food crafts.
The words “play” and “learning” don’t get used enough in the same sentence — especially since they work so well together! Even though a traditional classroom is what most people think of when they envision learning, there’s no reason play can’t be a part of the discovery process.
Fine motor skills is a term you have probably often heard as your child grows. Whether it be at your pediatricians office, day care, preschool, or your friend who happens to be a therapist. It’s one of those terms that parents hear but may not completely understand. In this post, we will cover the importance of fine motor skill development and some fun activities to help your child increase their abilities.
Don’t you just love the sheer delight of your little ones immersing themselves in a world of sensory exploration with laughter echoing through the air? This season is an endless opportunity for both learning and pure fun!
Pumpkin spice-filling bellies and cozy decor on front porches can only mean one thing: the last golden days of summer are upon us, and we are transitioning into fall! Fall is one of the most fun seasons to experience with kids, no matter what their age.
The preschool age can be so fun and exciting, yet kind of confusing as the parent. What are the appropriate expectations for your child? What should they be able to do themselves? Toddlerhood does not feel that far away, where you were at their beck and call for every need, and now it’s time to start transitioning out of that. If you are a little overwhelmed on where to start, we’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite and most helpful tips for developing independence in your preschooler.
If you’re nervous about your preschooler making friends, here are a few constants you can look to when it comes to preschoolers making friends and some suggestions on how you can help them develop these very special bonds.
Parents are more health-conscious and money-conscious than ever before. Not only are more and more studies coming out about the problems with ultra-processed food, but the cost of living for most parents has only increased. For parents with infants and babies, one of the easiest ways to address both issues is to make their own baby food
Summertime means no school for kids, which means more time spent as a family … right? When you’re a working parent, though, the answer isn’t so straightforward. This article gives you some suggestions on how to make the most of your packed summer schedule and still feel like you walked away with some cherished memories.