As a way to tie into our curriculum this month at school (ALL ABOUT ME/I AM SPECIAL), below is a great list of 10 ways to boost your kiddo’s self-confidence! Teach good manners Stay away from comparisons Assign your child age-appropriate household chores that accentuates their strengths Compliment when they succeed Encourage when they don’t […]
Everyone knows that feeling of the back to school blues. The days are getting shorter and bed times are coming earlier. Even if you attend school year-round, this is a definite season in every child’s life when we transition from summer to fall. As hard as it is on the kiddos, parents and adults alike […]
As summer approaches and longer days are upon us, it’s that time of the year to start thinking about getting out of town, hitting the open road or flying the vast skies. Sound familiar? That’s right, it’s time to plan that stellar family getaway! Everyone knows that sitting in the car for long hours, or […]
This is a question that has caused some debate from educators and parents worldwide. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that excessive media use can contribute to health risks, including obesity, aggression and lack of sleep in children. They advise that children under the age of two have no screen time and only 1 to […]
Borax Crystals are a fun way to combine math and science skills to create a beautiful art project. We have included the items you will need along with the directions below! Have fun and enjoy it! Items you will need: *Ribbon *Wide Mouth jar *Pipe Cleaners *Borax laundry detergent *Pencil *Boiling water *Food coloring (optional) […]
The holiday season is not only the perfect time to break out the boxes filled with old memories but it’s also a great time to create new ones! What better way to do that then to create a variety of homemade tree decorations with your little one! Not only will this provide a wonderful opportunity […]
Every parent has experienced the “joys” of tummy time. For some babies, being on their belly is an absolute blast, but for others, it can be a nightmare . . . at first. Even though lying on your stomach seems easy, to a baby, it is hard work! Being on her tummy requires your baby […]
Fun, Fun for Everyone! Summer is here, which means your kids may be telling you they are bored, having nothing to do, or just plain hot. Beating the heat can be easy and cheap with these seven water activities, and the great thing is, none of them require a pool! Cold Potato You will need: […]
1) Have Fun with books- Use expression when you read, chose books you enjoy reading, when children see you reading for pleasure they want to read too! 2) Notice Print All Around You- Let children handle books and help turn the pages. Babies will even put them in their mouths. Point out signs wherever you […]
We have all been there, walking down the store aisle, pushing our cart past the cookies and candies and shiny objects when our child grabs something from the shelf and demands to have it NOW! Or we are at the dinner table when little Jacob starts to talk with his mouth full of food. Or […]