Every parent understands the importance of children feeling good about themselves. At Little Sunshine’s Playhouse & Preschool®, we understand that too! Throughout the month of August, our I Am Special/All About Me lesson theme includes lots of fun activities to promote self-confidence in preschoolers.
A quality infant daycare is one of the best ways to promote baby’s healthy learning and development. Researchers have found links between infant care and life outcomes all the way into high school and even up to age 30! At Little Sunshine’s Playhouse & Preschool®, our curriculum is founded upon the world-renowned Reggio Emilia approach […]
Which vaccines are mandatory for your child to enroll at Little Sunshine’s Playhouse & Preschool®? Since their introduction, vaccines have reduced the number of vaccine-preventable illnesses by 90%, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. Thanks to their success rate, immunizations are now required for preschool in many states. All Little Sunshine’s Playhouse® locations are […]
What kid doesn’t love fruit? Here’s a simple summer snack you can make with your children for an afternoon at the lake or pool! Ingredients: One Watermelon (Sliced) Pint of Blueberries Supplies: Star cookie cutter Wooden skewers Instructions: Thread 7-10 blueberries onto the skewers Top skewer with watermelon star Serve and enjoy!
Our teachers across the county are truly game changers. They are dedicated, passionate and truly know how to engage each of their students every day. The process of choosing just one teacher each month is beyond difficult, but we are pleased to announce that our 2019 June National Teacher of the Month is Karen Rushton […]
History is filled with wonderful stories that people of all ages can relate to. That makes it a great subject for children to learn about, both at home and in preschool! But, what’s the best way to teach history to younger kids? First things first: history is not about memorizing names and dates! If you […]
If you plan on taking your little one to the pool this summer, you want to make sure that they are safe and protected from the dangers of deep water and sun exposure. In this blog, Little Sunshine’s Playhouse & Preschool® provides some simple summer safety rules you can follow to make sure your child’s […]
The teachers at our preschool programs across the county are the game changers. They are dedicated, passionate and truly know how to engage each of their students every day. The process of choosing just one teacher each month is tough, but we are pleased to announce that our 2019 May Teacher of the Month is […]
Teresa Obert always dreamed of becoming a teacher, ever since she got to work as an elementary school aide during her own high school days. More than 40 years later, Mrs. Teresa continues to live her dream as a master educator, earning 2018 National Teacher of the Year honors at Little Sunshine’s Playhouse and Preschool®. […]
As math grows more important for the careers of the future, a quality preschool math curriculum will play a crucial role in preparing your child for a lifetime of success. Knowledge of math at ages 3 to 5 improves kindergarten readiness and predicts future achievement well into high school, and kids with better math skills […]