Like all parents, you love your children more than anything and want them to be healthy, happy and successful. Perhaps that’s why discipline can be so frustrating and even downright exhausting sometimes. What do you do when, despite all your best efforts, your child still refuses to eat his or her veggies, hits another child […]
Most people have fond memories of playing on the playground as a child. Playgrounds are a great place for preschoolers to get much-needed exercise, use their imaginations and participate in fun learning activities in lots of academic subjects. But the playground can also be dangerous, especially for young children. The American Academy of Pediatrics reports […]
With only ⅓ of American children currently reading at grade level, parents today are looking for effective ways to help their kids read with confidence and instill a lifelong love of reading. Learning to read is a process that occurs in phases, not a single event. According to the National Association for the Education of […]
Parents relish the joy of watching young children form relationships with friends, teachers and others. It turns out that socialization is actually an important part of early childhood development and promotes positive outcomes later in life. Even better news is that social skills can be taught, similarly to academic subjects like math, reading or science. […]
Learning to walk alone, sorting shapes and colors and recognizing names of people and objects all sound like important development milestones, right? They are, and these achievements all take place when your toddler is anywhere from 12 to 26 months old. As your toddler is developing, it is essential they do so in an environment […]
It seems intuitive that it’s good for children to play outside. Physical activity, including time outdoors, promotes a child’s development and even academic success. But with today’s largely sedentary, screen-saturated culture, that’s often easier said than done. One expert from Yale University noted that the typical U.S. child spends about 90% of their time […]
As a national preschool organization we know how picky children can be about what they eat – we get it! That’s why we put a lot of thought and planning in to making sure our meals and snacks not only taste good, but also provide lots of nutrients needed for children to grow and maintain […]
At Little Sunshine’s Playhouse and Preschool, we encourage all interested families with preschoolers and pre-kindergarteners to participate in a trial exploratory day. We schedule these for two hours during the most active period of the day so the child and parents can get a glimpse of our daily schedules, which include circle time, art class, […]
Placing your little ones in a preschool program is a decision parents don’t take lightly, and neither do we. A ton of questions wonder through your mind about daily schedule, curriculum, security and many more. These are all topics we love discussing in our initial interview with families because at Little Sunshine’s Playhouse and Preschool […]
Everyone loves summer, especially children. But while you’re planning some family fun in the sun, be sure to make safety a top priority. Accidents are the leading cause of death for children ages 1 to 4 in the United States, and the summer months bring with them a unique set of risks. Keep reading for […]