Fine motor skills is a term you have probably often heard as your child grows. Whether it be at your pediatricians office, day care, preschool, or your friend who happens to be a therapist. It’s one of those terms that parents hear but may not completely understand. In this post, we will cover the importance of fine motor skill development and some fun activities to help your child increase their abilities.
If parenting looks less like a relationship for you and more like a tug of war, you may be dealing with control issues in your household. Read this article to learn the difference between being in charge and being in control, what happens when control goes unchecked, and how parents can establish who is in charge without squashing their child’s confidence.
There is no instruction manual on being a parent. So much of it seems made up on the fly! Because of the impromptu nature of the job, every parent makes mistakes when it comes to disciplining their children. Here are some areas where you can make small adjustments and make a big difference in the effectiveness of your discipline.
Every parent does their best to focus on their family and not compare (i.e., judge) themselves to those around them. But every mom and dad has wondered … how did the parents next door raise such successful, well-adjusted kids??? Are the parents of successful kids doing something special, or was it pure dumb luck? Thankfully, there are some parenting styles and methods that anyone can use to help them raise their children to be successful in the future.
You did it. You accomplished a parenting goal. Whether it was potty training, not throwing tantrums, or sleeping through the night, you made it through, and everythings is going great. Until it isn’t. All of a sudden, your child seems to have unlearned everything. It’s enough to deflate anyone’s stamina. But, if it makes you feel any better, regression happens with every child at varying times throughout their lives. Here is a guide on what you can do as a parent to keep your sanity and help your child through a period of regression.
Children are scared of things. That isn’t a surprise. But what are normal things for kids to be anxious about? When should parents think about talking to a doctor about their kids fears, and when can they rest assured that what their child is going through is developmentally appropriate?
Did your grandma always give you a dollar before you left her house? Were Friday nights always movie night? Whatever you did, it obviously had an effect. The ritual made you feel a part of your family and endeared you to them. As a parent, make sure to give your children the same experience by creating rituals with them.
Don’t lose heart! Just because your child is strong-willed does not mean they are a bad kid. Unfortunately, society has coupled “good kid” with the vague, ill-defined requirement of being “well behaved” — which is actually just code for “a child who doesn’t require much from me as an adult.” Strong-willed kids don’t fit that bill, and that’s why they often get a bad rap.
Humans are messy. We do not enter this world seeking to organize and tidy up. If you’ve been a parent longer than five seconds, you know this firsthand. And if you’re the parent of a toddler or preschooler, you’ve probably experienced how hard it is to convince them to pick up their toys and do their chores.
The words “average screen time by age” or “kids screen time” litter the search histories of parents all around the world. All that being said, let’s get real about what screen time means for you as a parent.