We’ve all been there – your child guarding their toys or shouting ‘mine!’ around others. When a child is protecting their toys it’s typically a signal that they’re still learning to share and understand empathy. So, why do kids seem so, well, self-focused? And how can you nurture kindness and empathy in your children to help them grow into compassionate, caring people?
Ever pondered over the query – what is parallel play in children? Simply put, parallel play is a form of play that is often observed in children, particularly between the ages of 2 and 3. This type of play sees children engaging in similar activities in close proximity to each other, yet without any direct interaction.
At Little Sunshine’s Playhouse and Preschool®, we believe play is the work of childhood. As a cornerstone of our Reggio Emilia-inspired curriculum, we understand the importance of play in early childhood development. Through various forms of play, children acquire fundamental skills and knowledge that lay the groundwork for future achievements.
Forgiveness is one of the hardest things for people to do. When we’ve been wronged, giving up the negative emotions we feel toward those who have done us wrong is the last thing we want to do. But, as adults, we know it’s important for our own well-being, even if it is hard.
Becoming a well-rounded person with excellent social skills takes lots of time and practice. There is so much that goes into sharpening the skills it takes to navigate interactions with others. So how can parents help teach social skills to their preschoolers? This post is a one-stop shop for the valuable information you need to get started.
People give gifts for all kinds of reasons: holidays, birthdays, or random Tuesdays. And kids like few things more than a surprise gift just for them. But learning how to give gifts and be generous is a skill that will turn them into well-rounded, thoughtful teenagers and adults.
Some kids are natural leaders. (We all know that 3-year-old who organizes their playmates and is happy to take charge of whatever situation they are in.) Other children learn how to be a leader like they learn how to play a sport or an instrument. Regardless, here are some ways that parents can foster leadership qualities in their kids that will help them lead as they get older … and one or two things parents accidentally do that end up stifling leadership qualities in their kids.
Lying is a skill we learn very early on as humans. However, it’s not the end of the world when your toddler starts fibbing. In fact, you shouldn’t even be overly concerned. There are all sorts of reasons kids don’t tell the truth, and none of them are as nefarious as parents might think.
So what do you do when your child is the one dealing with a bully? Back-to-school bliss can quickly transform into misery if they’re struggling with another kid harassing them. Here’s what you need to know to help them through it.
At the end of the day, acknowledge that you are doing your very best as a parent. Vague societal standards shouldn’t be the measuring sticks we use to define parental success. Whether that’s a 30-minute check-in at the end of each day or an hours-long activity once a week, look at what your children need and do your best to make sure everyone feels valued and loved.