Routines and set schedules are a part of life, and they are especially important for your children. Set schedules establish normalcy and a sense of security, and lay the foundation for good patterns throughout your child’s life. Parents and preschool organizations like Little Sunshine’s Playhouse who create consistent routines help children develop good habits for […]
The holidays are the main time of the year when parents and caregivers are looking for the best educational toys for their children. School-age and preschool-age children benefit from a variety of fun, hands-on learning tools, while parents of older children are often looking for toys that focus more on core competencies like math, spelling, […]
At Little Sunshine’s, giving back to our 23 communities is so important to us, that’s why we’ve identified November as our month of “Giving Back”. Better yet, it’s our curriculum theme! That means we’re teaching the importance of helping thy neighbor to our students, the future leaders of America. In honor of our theme, we’ve […]
It starts with a routine shopping trip. Then seemingly out of nowhere, your 2-year-old spies something tempting in the toy aisle. Before you know it, everyone is staring as your child’s piercing screams fill the air. It’s a tantrum. Why is this happening? Is your child trying to embarrass you on purpose? Are you starting […]
Leaves are changing color and pumpkin spice is back on the menu. Time for fall! It’s also a great season for introducing young kids to many fun science activities that also inspire your child’s imagination. Here are just a few great ideas, using easy-to-find ingredients and a big dose of creativity! Apple Experiment This activity […]
For many parents, the first 5 years seem to fly by overnight. Before you know it, it’s time for kindergarten! A high-quality pre-k curriculum can help ensure that your child is ready for success in school and in life.
Did you know 2 children die of poisoning every day? Poison exposure sends 300 kids or teens to the emergency room each day, according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. And young children are at especially high risk. Out of nearly 2.12 million incidents reported to Poison Control Centers in 2017, 45% of […]
Helpfulness is an important part of good social development, and there are many excellent ways for children to practice being helpful — from putting toys back on the shelf to collecting food for neighbors in need.
Image by fujikama from Pixabay Raising happy, healthy children can be complicated. It seems every day, parents receive new and conflicting information about what’s best for their kids. Making the right choices about what they eat, how much screen time they get, and more is enough to make any parent question themselves. One area that […]
Every parent understands the importance of children feeling good about themselves. At Little Sunshine’s Playhouse & Preschool®, we understand that too! Throughout the month of August, our I Am Special/All About Me lesson theme includes lots of fun activities to promote self-confidence in preschoolers.