Parents are tasked with teaching, protecting, and nurturing children while also providing life skills that help them develop into productive adults. As children grow, there are a variety of approaches to parenting that may be considered either beneficial or detrimental, depending on whom you ask. As parents become more educated about what works and what […]
Research continues to prove the sooner you get your child started with reading fundamentals, the better readers they will become in the long run. However, despite getting an early start, some children still face hurdles when it comes to mastering reading skills and improving as time goes on. As parents, we often wonder why our […]
Most children love to dance and sing, but did you know they can also learn through rhymes, music and movement. Learning music often leads to enhanced language skills. Children with stronger language skills are able to express their needs more clearly at a younger age, which increases your child’s ability to learn more effectively. Language […]
At Little Sunshine’s, giving back to our 23 communities is so important to us, that’s why we’ve identified November as our month of “Giving Back”. Better yet, it’s our curriculum theme! That means we’re teaching the importance of helping thy neighbor to our students, the future leaders of America. In honor of our theme, we’ve […]
Did you know 2 children die of poisoning every day? Poison exposure sends 300 kids or teens to the emergency room each day, according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. And young children are at especially high risk. Out of nearly 2.12 million incidents reported to Poison Control Centers in 2017, 45% of […]
Image by fujikama from Pixabay Raising happy, healthy children can be complicated. It seems every day, parents receive new and conflicting information about what’s best for their kids. Making the right choices about what they eat, how much screen time they get, and more is enough to make any parent question themselves. One area that […]
Every parent understands the importance of children feeling good about themselves. At Little Sunshine’s Playhouse & Preschool®, we understand that too! Throughout the month of August, our I Am Special/All About Me lesson theme includes lots of fun activities to promote self-confidence in preschoolers.
As math grows more important for the careers of the future, a quality preschool math curriculum will play a crucial role in preparing your child for a lifetime of success. Knowledge of math at ages 3 to 5 improves kindergarten readiness and predicts future achievement well into high school, and kids with better math skills […]
Many parents worry about introducing the internet to their children. At what age is it okay to go online? What content is appropriate? How much time is too much? How can you protect your child from the dangers that may be lurking in cyberspace?