The holidays are the main time of the year when parents and caregivers are looking for the best educational toys for their children. School-age and preschool-age children benefit from a variety of fun, hands-on learning tools, while parents of older children are often looking for toys that focus more on core competencies like math, spelling, […]
At Little Sunshine’s, giving back to our 23 communities is so important to us, that’s why we’ve identified November as our month of “Giving Back”. Better yet, it’s our curriculum theme! That means we’re teaching the importance of helping thy neighbor to our students, the future leaders of America. In honor of our theme, we’ve […]
Learning to cook is a wonderful activity with many benefits for young children. It’s a great opportunity for some quality family time. Dinnertime is more exciting for kids when they get to help! Cooking expands your child’s vocabulary as they learn the names of their favorite foods. It also lets kids practice measuring ingredients and […]
Leaves are changing color and pumpkin spice is back on the menu. Time for fall! It’s also a great season for introducing young kids to many fun science activities that also inspire your child’s imagination. Here are just a few great ideas, using easy-to-find ingredients and a big dose of creativity! Apple Experiment This activity […]
What kid doesn’t love fruit? Here’s a simple summer snack you can make with your children for an afternoon at the lake or pool! Ingredients: One Watermelon (Sliced) Pint of Blueberries Supplies: Star cookie cutter Wooden skewers Instructions: Thread 7-10 blueberries onto the skewers Top skewer with watermelon star Serve and enjoy!
Everyone loves summer, especially children. But while you’re planning some family fun in the sun, be sure to make safety a top priority. Accidents are the leading cause of death for children ages 1 to 4 in the United States, and the summer months bring with them a unique set of risks. Keep reading for […]
It’s National Bagel Day, and we love a good bagel! We like plain bagels, blueberry bagels, and onion bagels. We like cream cheese, peanut butter, and smoked salmon on our bagels. Not all three toppings on one bagel, though, because that would be gross. But, we like a lot of bagels, and we think we […]
Easy Pies to Make with your Children: At Little Sunshine’s Playhouse & Preschool, National Pie Day one of our most favorite holidays to celebrate. There are pies for all kinds and every occasion– apple, chocolate, no-bake, creamy, ones with topping, sugar-free, birthdays, holidays, and just-because-it’s-Tuesday pies. We hope you get to celebrate by eating your […]
New Year resolutions can help bring out the very best in ourselves and can even be a fun activity for the whole family! Instead of the traditional resolutions to “be more physically active” or “have more patience” (because let’s be honest, those resolutions are usually broken by day 14… or less), encourage your children to […]
Parent involvement in a child’s education is incredibly critical to optimal development and helping a child reach his/her full potential. Supporting evidence is overwhelming. Research shows parent involvement not only leads to higher academic achievement, greater cognitive competence, and better problem-solving skills (Melhuish, Sylva, Sammons, et al., 2001), but also extends beyond educational achievement. Children […]