Fine motor skills is a term you have probably often heard as your child grows. Whether it be at your pediatricians office, day care, preschool, or your friend who happens to be a therapist. It’s one of those terms that parents hear but may not completely understand. In this post, we will cover the importance of fine motor skill development and some fun activities to help your child increase their abilities.
Don’t you just love the sheer delight of your little ones immersing themselves in a world of sensory exploration with laughter echoing through the air? This season is an endless opportunity for both learning and pure fun!
Pumpkin spice-filling bellies and cozy decor on front porches can only mean one thing: the last golden days of summer are upon us, and we are transitioning into fall! Fall is one of the most fun seasons to experience with kids, no matter what their age.
Should preschoolers have homework? Are there benefits? Does it make them “competitive” as students? This article looks at both sides of the argument, but explains why the educators at Little Sunshine’s Preschool decide not to assign homework to preschoolers and those in our pre-K program.
The Teacher of the Month award is designed to recognize an employee who exemplifies our core values, which are compassion, humility, integrity, loyalty, and discipline. This month we are pleased to announce that our 2023 August National Teacher of the Month is Ms. Heyley of Little Sunshine’s Playhouse and Preschool of The Woodlands, TX.
Of all the things parents of preschoolers can feel guilty about, eating healthy food and nutrition is near the top of the list. If you feel lost on what meals you should be feeding your growing preschooler, read this article to get help on what a healthy plate should look like.
If parenting looks less like a relationship for you and more like a tug of war, you may be dealing with control issues in your household. Read this article to learn the difference between being in charge and being in control, what happens when control goes unchecked, and how parents can establish who is in charge without squashing their child’s confidence.
Preschool helps equip children with all kinds of important social skills that they will continue to build on their entire lives. Here are a few of the ways preschool can prepare your child socially for the road ahead.
The Teacher of the Month award is designed to recognize an employee who exemplifies our core values, which are compassion, humility, integrity, loyalty, and discipline. This month we are pleased to announce that our 2023 July National Teacher of the Month is Ms. Brion of Little Sunshine’s Playhouse and Preschool of Southlake, TX.
The preschool age can be so fun and exciting, yet kind of confusing as the parent. What are the appropriate expectations for your child? What should they be able to do themselves? Toddlerhood does not feel that far away, where you were at their beck and call for every need, and now it’s time to start transitioning out of that. If you are a little overwhelmed on where to start, we’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite and most helpful tips for developing independence in your preschooler.