What does raising independent children look like? And how can parents guide their children in ways that promote independence? Here are a few things to consider as you go about raising independent children.
Life can swirl around preschoolers like a windstorm. Between playdates, preschool, and daycare, they may feel like the adults in their life don’t really see them. If you want to make your kid feel special, loved, and appreciated, try and incorporate these five special moments into their everyday lives.
Expressing your love for your kids isn’t as straightforward as it seems. Each person is different, and we all give and receive love in different ways. The next time you try to bond with your kiddos, try and “speak” their love language. You’ll be amazed at the results.
The Teacher of the Month award is designed to recognize an employee that exemplifies our core values, which are compassion, humility, integrity, loyalty and discipline. This month we are pleased to announce that our 2022 August National Teacher of the Month is Ms. Elysia of Little Sunshine’s Playhouse and Preschool of Colorado Springs.
Did your grandma always give you a dollar before you left her house? Were Friday nights always movie night? Whatever you did, it obviously had an effect. The ritual made you feel a part of your family and endeared you to them. As a parent, make sure to give your children the same experience by creating rituals with them.
Who doesn’t love a yummy snack to make after school or on the weekend? Plus, who doesn’t love incorporating this month’s curriculum theme into that snack? If you answered yes to either of those questions, we have the perfect activity for you and your kiddos!
Have you ever said something that you instantly wished you could take back? Parents often say things to their children that have much bigger ramifications than they realize. Here are four damaging things that parents say to their children without realizing it.
This month we are pleased to announce that our 2022 July National Teacher of the Month is Ms. Cassie of Little Sunshine’s Playhouse and Preschool of Rogers.
Child food allergies are no joke. And if you thought you noticed an uptick in the number of children dealing with allergies, you’re not wrong. In fact, the rate has increased by 50% since the 1990s. That means there are 50% more parents trying to understand how their child’s allergies will affect their everyday lives. A big part of that is making sure they are safe at school.
First day of preschool! Woohoo! Right? Not for some. For kids and parents alike, the first day of preschool can be the highest of highs or the lowest of lows. Being nervous about making new friends, being in new locations, and being away from parents can make it hard for kids.